Welcome to Edna Brewer Middle School
Edna Brewer is an inclusive school community where social and emotional learning are prioritized. Proudly, Edna Brewer is one of the most diverse schools in Oakland, with students from every corner of the city representing many different cultural backgrounds.
Our rigorous academic program features a heavy focus on standards-based curriculum and work across all core disciplines, and is implemented by an exceptionally innovative, collaborative and dedicated teaching staff.
We prioritize physical health with a dynamic PE program. 90-minute block periods are broken up by recess and lunch, so that students have opportunities for movement and socializing. Edna Brewer offers robust Music, Art, Drama, and Sports programs that we continue to expand from year to year with the support of the PTSA.
A weekly Advisory class allows for homework check-ins and further community building. Students also engage in an Enrichment class, which intentionally address two identified areas of need: Social Emotional Learning and academic intervention/acceleration. Enrichment class creates a space where teachers and students can learn together to create a school community that feels safe, healthy, and collaborative.
Restorative Justice is at the heart of our successful social- emotional learning program. Designed to put the student’s voice at the center, it emphasizes community, discipline, accountability, and empathy.
We are proud of our thriving school community. We care about children and learning, and we strive to offer a balanced educational experience in a positive and inclusive environment.
Go Panthers! ~ Jonathan Tran, EBMS Principal
EBMS is proud to have an active PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)! The PTSA supports students’ academic and extracurricu- lar needs while fostering open communication between parents and Edna Brewer’s dedicated teachers and staff. Funds raised by the PTSA support peer tutoring, field trips, music, art, drama, science, classroom supplies, school projects, and much more! Our PTSA also facilitates community building through fun events such as the 6th Grade Welcome Picnic, Burgers & Bingo, Culture Night and the Spring Carnival.
• 1 Chromebook for each and every student
• Staffed library with brand new books and new furniture
• Full-size gym with stage and new floor
• 60’ X 75’ yard turf field with safe “TPE” fill
• Panther Playhouse Theater for Music and Drama
• Vegetable garden
• Expansive, shaded courtyard with benches, tables, and permanent student art installations.
• Bike & skateboard lockers
Social Emotional Engagement
EBMS emphasizes social and emotional health. We foster a safe and inclusive community built on the core values of Panther PRIDE:
Grade-level “families” create a small school atmosphere and allow teachers to collaborate more effectively.
6th Grade classes are in a separate building for this important transitional year.
Weekly Advisory Class connects students to their peers and builds an empathetic learning community.
Restorative Justice is our our community-building and student discipline strategy, emphasizing both empathy and character development.
Student-led lunchtime clubs provide a fun way to meet new friends around shared interests.
An all-school Student Council gives voice to the student body.
Full-time, on-site counselors provide support and Guidance.
EBMS offers a rigorous and innovative academic program. An early implementer of both Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards, EBMS has for several years been on the leading edge of education reform.
Our highly collaborative teaching staff benefits from multiple tiers of teacher leadership.
We employ Culturally Responsive Teaching and Academic Differentiation to ensure that our curriculum serves each and every student.
Teachers use Blended Learning across all core disciplines, with a balance of traditional instruction, peer collaboration and in-class work on Chromebooks.
Curriculum is often cross-disciplinary: students studying Ancient Rome in History may create a travel brochure for the Roman Forum in English class.
Block scheduling in 90 minute classes allows for focused, in-depth learning in all subjects.
“CANVAS,” a collaborative online tool used by teachers, students and parents, provides real-time assignment/grade information and facilitates communication.Students choose an elective to supplement their core classes. These include:
Music (Band, Strings, General Music)
Visual Arts
Computer Science
Students also take semester-long enrichment classes taught by core teachers. These classes explore a rich variety of topics, such as Personal Finance, Geography, Medicine and Gardening.
Edna Brewer Middle School has a robust sports program for both girls and boys in all grades. We currently offer softball, baseball, co-ed flag football, track and field, cheerleading, girls volleyball, Ace kids golf, cross country, boys and girls basketball and boys and girls soccer. Our teams practice at school in our gym and on our new turf field and travel for away games. In 2018-2019 our softball, co-ed flag football, girls track and field and 6th/7th grade boys basketball teams all won citywide championships!
The Arts
EBMS proudly features a rich arts program of both in-school electives and free classes after school. It is led by dedicated professionals who impart to their students a love of music, theater and visual arts infused with a strong work ethic.
Under the direction of OUSD 2014 Teacher of the Year Zack Pitt-Smith and the 2016 Outstanding Orchestra Educator Stephanie Holmes, EBMS’s award-winning music program attracts students from all over the city. Some highlights: • Band, Strings, and ORFF World Music electives • Jazz Band, Steel Drums, Guitar and Oakland Youth Chorus offered after school • OUSD MUSE program with mentors from the Oakland East Bay Symphony • Opportunities to perform at Yoshi’s, A’s games, and Disneyland.
Full-time Brewer Art teacher Susannah Prinz teaches an exciting, inclusive art elective for those interested in the visual arts. The curriculum spans cultures, eras and mediums, offering field trips to museums, art high schools and colleges. In addition, an art class is offered after school.
OUSD prohibits unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) against any student, employee, or other persons participating in district programs and activities, including, but not limited to, those programs or activities funded directly by or that receive or benefit from any state financial assistance, based on the person’s actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identify, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55 or equity or compliance with Title IX, or based on his/her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (5 CCR 4610). BOARD POLICY 0410. BOARD POLICY 1312.3. BOARD POLICY 4030. BOARD POLICY 5143.3. BOARD POLICY 5145.7. Complaint forms are available at school sites, on the district webpage at www.ousd.org/ombudsperson, at the Office of the Ombudsperson located at 1000 Broadway, 1st Floor, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607, or via telephone 510-879-4281.