Reporting Absences

If you know that your student is going to be absent, please call the attendance office at 510-879-3210 (ext 1), or email our attendance specialist to report the absence. You can also respond to the attendance notice on ParentSquare.

Short term absences can be excused with a phone call or a note sent to school with your child. If you do not call the school, you MUST, upon return,  provide the school with a note for the absence to be excused.

If your student misses school due to a medical appointment (doctor, dentist, orthodontist, optometrist, etc.), you must obtain a note from your medical provider and submit it to the school.

Independent study or extended leave requests must be made in writing and turned in to the Attendance office (not a teacher), three weeks prior to the first day of the absence. Requests may be emailed to Upon return from the absence, your student’s work must be returned to the main office in order to verify the requirements of the independent study agreement were met and credit can be given.