Athletics at EBMS
Edna Brewer is deeply committed to developing a broad range of athletic programs where students can push themselves, learn new skills, build relationships with fellow students and learn to compete in a safe environment. We support more than 16 teams ranging from basketball to archery creating opportunities for students with a diverse array of interests. PTSA funds support coaches’ stipends, team uniforms, and equipment.
Our goal for the Edna Brewer Athletic Department is to provide an experience which prepares our students for life beyond sports and school. Our Athletic program is modeled after some of the most prestigious and elite high school programs in the bay area. Our staff is committed to a PCA approach and believe that “how you win is equally as important as if you win.”
2024-25 Sport Season and Clubs
Cross Country (OAL)
Flag Football (OAL)
Golf (Ace Kids Golf)*
Girls Volleyball (OAL)
Competitive Cheer (OAL)
Boys Basketball (OAL)
Girls Basketball (OAL)
Boys Soccer (OAL)
Girls Soccer (OAL)
Competitive Cheer (OAL)
Baseball (EBBL)
Softball (EBSBL)
Track & Field (OAL)
Wrestling (BTS)
Boys Volleyball (OAL)
Lacrosse (OAL)
Ultimate Frisbee (OAL)
EBMS Athletic Teams & Coaches
Tipu Barber
Head Coach, Boys JV Soccer
Aaron Carter
Head Coach, Flag Football (Fall)
Head Coach, Boys Junior Varsity Basketball (Winter)
Head Coach, Track & Field (Spring)
Reanna Couts
Head Coach, Girls Varsity Soccer (Winter)
Selena Davalos
Head Coach, Girls JV Soccer
Peno Din
Head Coach, Girls Varsity Volleyball (Fall)
Ta-Biti Gibson
Head Coach, Ultimate Frisbee
Jaimel Hemphill
Head Coach, Wrestling (Spring)
Frederick Highbaugh
Head Coach, Boys Varsity Basketball (Winter)
Ethan Hofmayer
Head Coach, Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball (Fall)
Head Coach, Boys Varsity Volleyball (Spring)
Sean Iannello
Head Coach, Boys Varsity Soccer (Winter)
Caitlin James
Head Coach, Softball
Benjamin Katz
Head Coach, Baseball
Godfrey Powell
Head Coach, Boys JV Flag Football
Brian Sato
Athletic Director
August Spafford
Assistant Coach, Girls Varsity Soccer (Winter)
Kim White
Head Coach, Cheer Squad
Mission Statement and Student Athlete Code
Our goal for the Edna Brewer Athletic Department is to provide a setting that promotes and prepares our students for all situations on the court/field and in life. Through participation in sports at Edna Brewer, our athletes will develop more PRIDE in who they are and where they are from. Along with our Positivity, Respect, Independence, Determination and Empathy values, we also emphasize cooperation, communication, prioritization, discipline, perseverance and goal-setting. Through hard work and commitment, our student athletes will become stronger members of a community and finish any sports season with a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
Eligibility Requirements
Edna Brewer Middle School expects all athletes, class officers, performers, and other extracurricular participants to be outstanding citizens and role models. In order to be eligible for participation in these activities, students must maintain a C average in academic work and may not receive any U’s in citizenship. Eligibility is monitored by the sponsor/coach of any activity or sport, and is determined by reviewing the preceding marking period’s report card. All eligibility issues will be reviewed by the administration. Poor attendance, physical violence or fighting of any kind, possession of illegal substances, or more than one suspension from school (during the sports season) will result in ineligibility for participation in extracurricular activities.
Playing Requirements
Students are expected to attend all practices and games. Students will be required to be on time and to wear appropriate athletic attire at all times while participating in competitive play. Students must have no F in any class and an ACADEMIC GPA of 2.0 or above on their most recent marking period report card to participate in games.
PE Uniforms
PE teachers will review PE uniform expectations in class. All students must dress for PE. Official Edna Brewer PE uniforms are available during Registration and in the school office, but but non-Edna Brewer clothing that conforms to the list below is also acceptable:
White T-shirt
Red shorts
Black sweatpants
Black sweatshirt
Black Adidas sweats with the white stripe
We advise students have extra PE clothing as backup, just in case. Thank you!
OUSD prohibits unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) against any student, employee, or other persons participating in district programs and activities, including, but not limited to, those programs or activities funded directly by or that receive or benefit from any state financial assistance, based on the person’s actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identify, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55 or equity or compliance with Title IX, or based on his/her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (5 CCR 4610). BOARD POLICY 0410. BOARD POLICY 1312.3. BOARD POLICY 4030. BOARD POLICY 5143.3. BOARD POLICY 5145.7. Complaint forms are available at school sites, on the district webpage at www.ousd.org/ombudsperson, at the Office of the Ombudsperson located at 1000 Broadway, 1st Floor, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607, or via telephone 510-879-4281.