Students and teacher in class

Academics at a Glance

EBMS offers a rigorous and innovative academic program. With multiple tiers of teacher leadership, including academic coaches and the instructional leadership team, our highly collaborative teaching staff has been on the leading edge of implementing and refining curricula that are standards aligned, culturally responsive, and student centered.

  • Emphasis on Culturally Responsive Teaching and Academic Differentiation ensures we serve each and every student.

  • Teachers use Blended Learning across all core disciplines, with a balance of traditional instruction, peer collaboration and in-class work on Chromebooks.

  • Learning is cross-disciplinary. For example, students studying Ancient Rome in History may create a travel brochure for Roman ruins in English.

  • Heavy focus on project-based group work across all core disciplines.

  • EBMS piloted and provided insight on the implementation of Californiaโ€™s Next Generation Science Standards adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE).

  • Block scheduling allows for focused, in-depth learning.

  • Peer Tutoring pairs successful 7th and 8th graders with students who could benefit from extra 1:1 tutoring.

  • Communication is facilitated by Canvas, a collaborative online tool used by teachers, students, and parents.

  • Grade-level โ€œfamiliesโ€ create a small school atmosphere and allow teachers to collaborate more effectively.